A Quick Update on Zoom Code Signing
A quick update on Zoom code signing.
A quick update on Zoom code signing.
iTunes update breaks GarageBand.
Zoom for Mac has fixed its dodgy entitlements.
Dotfile resources on GitHub.
asciinema. Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way.
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Be suspicious. Use Suspicious Package from Mothers Ruin Software.
The perils of rm -rf and the wonder of filesystem snapshots.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
A bash script to correct conflicting files.
Some great shell scripts from Nextcloud.
Dotfile resources on GitHub.
asciinema. Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way.
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Installing Countly server and SDK for iOS and Web analytics
Investigating the new Firebase Crashlytics SDK.
Fixing 10 year old code to build HKWarnings v5.0.0.
My iPhone home screen.
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Manually updating Synology NAS to DSM 6.2.3.
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Some great shell scripts from Nextcloud.
Dotfile resources on GitHub.
asciinema. Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way.
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
How to convert OPML to Markdown.
The list of podcasts I listen to.
How to convert OPML to Markdown.
The list of podcasts I listen to.
How to convert OPML to Markdown.
The list of podcasts I listen to.
How to convert OPML to Markdown.
The list of podcasts I listen to.
Gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service.
Neofetch is a command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+.
Methods to delete OneSignal tags.
Configure Xdebug, Visual Studio Code for a Vagrant VM
A bash script to correct conflicting files.
Some great shell scripts from Nextcloud.
How to use Git hooks to deploy a static site.
Gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service.
A quick update on Zoom code signing.
Zoom for Mac has fixed its dodgy entitlements.
A quick update on Zoom code signing.
Zoom for Mac has fixed its dodgy entitlements.
iTunes update breaks GarageBand.
Recovering iTunes Playlists after a disasterous move
A bash script to correct conflicting files.
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS
Manually updating Synology NAS to DSM 6.2.3.
A bash script to correct conflicting files.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
Hazel, routers, firmware and checksums.
What on Earth are Adobe up to?
What on Earth are Adobe up to?
What on Earth are Adobe up to?
My iPhone home screen.
How to convert OPML to Markdown.
The perils of rm -rf and the wonder of filesystem snapshots.
The perils of rm -rf and the wonder of filesystem snapshots.
The perils of rm -rf and the wonder of filesystem snapshots.
The perils of rm -rf and the wonder of filesystem snapshots.
Be suspicious. Use Suspicious Package from Mothers Ruin Software.
Be suspicious. Use Suspicious Package from Mothers Ruin Software.
Neofetch is a command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+.
Encrypted Websites Protect Our Privacy and are Significantly Faster.
Configure Xdebug, Visual Studio Code for a Vagrant VM
Configure Xdebug, Visual Studio Code for a Vagrant VM
Configure Xdebug, Visual Studio Code for a Vagrant VM
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Reverse Engineered HKBN Speed Test for macOS.
Apple has released the pricing for the Mac Pro, I take a look.
Apple has released the pricing for the Mac Pro, I take a look.
Apple has released the pricing for the Mac Pro, I take a look.
Apple has released the pricing for the Mac Pro, I take a look.
Methods to delete OneSignal tags.
Methods to delete OneSignal tags.
Methods to delete OneSignal tags.
Methods to delete OneSignal tags.
Your yearly reminder that A Night At The Hip-Hopera by The Kleptones is available in FLAC format.
Your yearly reminder that A Night At The Hip-Hopera by The Kleptones is available in FLAC format.
Asimov is a very handy tool from Steve Grunwell that scans your home directory for development dependencies for Node, CocoaPods etc, then excludes them from ...
Gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service.
Gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service.
Gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service.
Recovering iTunes Playlists after a disasterous move
Recovering iTunes Playlists after a disasterous move
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Testing different tools to find duplicate files on Linux/macOS.
Manually updating Synology NAS to DSM 6.2.3.
HTTPS and SSL info.
HTTPS and SSL info.
HTTPS and SSL info.
How to use Git hooks to deploy a static site.
How to use Git hooks to deploy a static site.
How to use Git hooks to deploy a static site.
iTunes update breaks GarageBand.
iTunes update breaks GarageBand.
Fixing 10 year old code to build HKWarnings v5.0.0.
Fixing 10 year old code to build HKWarnings v5.0.0.
Fixing 10 year old code to build HKWarnings v5.0.0.
Fixing 10 year old code to build HKWarnings v5.0.0.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
Syncing to Nextcloud from a Docker container, and how to build that container.
My first CocoaPod - a mashup of CompressingLogFileManager from CocoaLumberjack and BackgroundUpload-CocoaLumberjack.
My first CocoaPod - a mashup of CompressingLogFileManager from CocoaLumberjack and BackgroundUpload-CocoaLumberjack.
My first CocoaPod - a mashup of CompressingLogFileManager from CocoaLumberjack and BackgroundUpload-CocoaLumberjack.
My first CocoaPod - a mashup of CompressingLogFileManager from CocoaLumberjack and BackgroundUpload-CocoaLumberjack.
My first CocoaPod - a mashup of CompressingLogFileManager from CocoaLumberjack and BackgroundUpload-CocoaLumberjack.
My first CocoaPod - a mashup of CompressingLogFileManager from CocoaLumberjack and BackgroundUpload-CocoaLumberjack.
A quick update on Zoom code signing.
A quick update on Zoom code signing.
My first attempt at a Jekyll plugin, it copies the _site folder somewhere else.
My first attempt at a Jekyll plugin, it copies the _site folder somewhere else.
My first attempt at a Jekyll plugin, it copies the _site folder somewhere else.
My first attempt at a Jekyll plugin, it copies the _site folder somewhere else.
My first attempt at a Jekyll plugin, it copies the _site folder somewhere else.
Investigating the new Firebase Crashlytics SDK.
Investigating the new Firebase Crashlytics SDK.
Investigating the new Firebase Crashlytics SDK.
A bash script to correct conflicting files.
Installing Countly server and SDK for iOS and Web analytics
Installing Countly server and SDK for iOS and Web analytics
Installing Countly server and SDK for iOS and Web analytics
Installing Countly server and SDK for iOS and Web analytics
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS
Automatically update Docker images running on Synology NAS