Automate SHA Checksum Checks For Asuswrt-Merlin Firmware With Hazel

2 minute read

When a new firmware is released by Asuswrt-Merlin, the download comes with a checksum file (sha256sum.sha256) enabling you to check the validity of the firmware you downloaded.

You could do this manually:

james@Jamess-iMac: ~/Downloads/RT-AC66U_380.70_beta1-gc8353dc
$ shasum -a 256  -c sha256sum.sha256
RT-AC66U_380.70_beta1-gc8353dc.trx: OK

However, I automated the check with Hazel and a shell script.

Setup Hazel rules per the image below for your Downloads folder:

Hazel screenshot

Then create each rule shown in the images below:

Old Files

Hazel screenshot

SHASUM Router Firmware

NOTE: change the “name starts with” rule to match the name of your router

Hazel screenshot

Newly Added Files

Hazel screenshot

No longer new Files

Hazel screenshot

The shell script used in the SHASUM Router Firmware rule is shown below and linked here.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck shell=bash

  if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
    echo "USAGE: label [0-7] file1 [file2] ..."
    echo "Sets the Finder label (color) for files"
    echo "Default colors:"
    echo " 0  No color"
    echo " 1  Orange"
    echo " 2  Red"
    echo " 3  Yellow"
    echo " 4  Blue"
    echo " 5  Purple"
    echo " 6  Green"
    echo " 7  Gray"
    /usr/bin/osascript - "$@" << EOF
    on run argv
        set labelIndex to (item 1 of argv as number)
        repeat with i from 2 to (count of argv)
          tell application "Finder"
              set theFile to POSIX file (item i of argv) as alias
              set label index of theFile to labelIndex
          end tell
        end repeat
    end run

file_exists() {
    if [ -e "$1" ]; then
      return 0
    return 1

#logger "path is is $PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
#logger "path is is $PATH"

if ! file_exists "$1"; then
  # must exit with zero so Hazel does't retry it
  exit 0;

#say "The file $1 matches this rule’s conditions."
logger "Directory is $1"
logger "Checking for shasum binaries"

if hash sha256deep 2> /dev/null; then
  logger "found sha256deep"
elif shasum -a 256 < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
  logger "found shasum"
  cmd="shasum -a 256"
  logger "No binary found to compute and compare SHA-256 message digests"
  osascript -e 'display notification "No binary found to compute and compare SHA-256 message digests" with title "ERROR"'
  exit 0;

cd "$1" || exit 0;

firmwareFile=$(ls -- *.trx)
sha256sumFile=$(ls -- *.sha256)

if ! file_exists "$firmwareFile"; then
  # must exit with zero so Hazel does't retry it
  exit 0;

logger "firmwareFile is $firmwareFile"

if ! file_exists "$sha256sumFile"; then
  # must exit with zero so Hazel does't retry it
  exit 0;

logger "sha256sumFile is $sha256sumFile"

# yes we could use shasum -a 256  -c sha256sum.sha256, but I don't think sha256deep has
# the same option, so we parse the file
sha256sum=$(awk '{print $1}' "$sha256sumFile")
firmwareFileFromSha256sumFile=$(awk '{print $2}' "$sha256sumFile")

if [ "$firmwareFileFromSha256sumFile" != "$firmwareFile" ]; then
  logger "Filename mismatch: $firmwareFileFromSha256sumFile != $firmwareFile"
  exit 0;

sha256deepFromFirmware=$($cmd "$firmwareFile" | awk '{print $1}')

if [ "$sha256deepFromFirmware" != "$sha256sum" ]; then
  logger "sha256deep mismatch: $sha256deepFromFirmware != $sha256sum set label to red"
   label 2 "$1/$firmwareFile" >> /dev/null
   #also set folder to green so we don't process it again
   label 2 "$1" >> /dev/null
   osascript -e 'display notification "shasums mismatch for firmware" with title "INVALID ASUS Firmware"'
  exit 0;
    logger "sha256deep match: $sha256deepFromFirmware == $sha256sum, set label to green"
    label 6 "$1/$firmwareFile" >> /dev/null
    #also set folder to green so we don't process it again
    label 6 "$1" >> /dev/null
    osascript -e 'display notification "shasums match for firmware" with title "Valid ASUS Firmware"'

exit 0;